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bs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????????The Gift? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 5.0 (6 Ratings)??26 Grabs Today. 5976 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????Floral BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

Glitter Text

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

Our Team

Stick Figure Family at FreeFlashToys.com

martes, 19 de mayo de 2009


Kenneth Patton once said that “we learn what we have said from those who listen to our speaking.” This means that before opening our mouths to speak or letting the pen touch paper, our brain is only constructing our perception of reality. However, the act of speaking and writing, communicating, also involves the perceptions of those who hear us and read our writing.
The idea of conveying meaning, therefore, extends beyond our control and perception and so those of us who wish to communicate effectively must also consider what are possible ways that our thoughts may be interpreted. But, despite its importance when considering one’s native language, it is imperative when conveying a message in a second or third language. The chances of being misunderstood are colossal. Of course, no one can come up with all the possible conclusions to be drawn, especially if speaking. However, writing is different since it gives us time to conceptualize what and how we will convey our meaning so as to be understood by the majority. Translation, on the other hand, is not only conveying our meaning but more essentially, conveying the meaning of what the author of the source text wants to convey. Therefore, this blog is gear towards University students who already have proficiency in the English language and aspire to translate from English to Spanish. In other words, we are targeting students whose interest ranges from translating just an assignment to translating as a career.
This blog provides resources, ideas and materials that offer different approaches to problem solving when translating into Spanish.But before going any further we must emphasis that the secret to success in translating is reading. One of the first things any translator ought to master to become a great translator is to read and understand written text which means that knowledge of these skills in the target language must be mastered. Yes, we know that this is wearisome and an area of weakness for many, many people and that is why we have provided links to blog dedicated to assisting and motivating you to read in the most innovative of ways.
With this blog we hope to open more doors for all readers-new and habitual-and Internet users behind which they will find the answers to all those questions left unanswered before the creation of PuraMadreLengua.

Aqui te damos una idea de lo que implica traducir al español.

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009

Common errors made when translating from English to Spanish

This web page presents the most frequent mistakes in scientific translation such as too long phrases, acronyms, excessive gerunds, etc.

Perfecting your Spanish

This web page shows mistakes in Spanish made by English speakers with explanations and examples.

Overcoming the Greatest of Translation Challenges

This page focuses on common errors in translation and provides translated documents and a resource library in both languages.

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009

Topics of Controversies

If you know the answer to or have any information about any of the following questions, please do not hesitate to post a comment. We also welcome any suggestions or opinions you would like to share.

Registering as a licensed translator in the state of Quintana Roo

The answer(s) to this question could provide useful information to recent graduates.

Do you know the process through which someone can become registered as a Perito Traductor so as to translate official documents in the state of Quintana Roo?

Human Translations vs. Machine Translations

We appreciate any speculations you may want to contribute in order to shed some light on these issues.

How acurate would you say is machine/computer translations? In other words, can compter translations be trusted?

How helpful are computer translating software? Which ones are the most effective?

What are the effects of translating softwares or interent portal links on the success of new era translators with regards to the availability of job opportunities? In other words, are computers taking our jobs or are they openning more opportunities?

sábado, 16 de mayo de 2009

Links Related to Blogs on Reading

Please, check out these new blogs made by our classmates:

Read Without Burning Brains was made by students from our Educational Technology class and contains very useful tips for those who want to improve their reading.

Booking Worming at UQROO is a blog design by Mar and Sol that contains Book Reviews and suggestions for more enjoyable readings from readers just like you.

CAE (Certificate for Advanced English) a very kind and warm person, created this blog to help those students who have to sit the CAE exam. Nevertheless, this interactive blog contains very useful advice for those who want to improve their reading skills.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009


Although this information is under the Miscellaneous heading, it is of vital importance to any and all translators. The web site, Differences between English and Spanish, provides useful English translating web sites, recommends links and other services while giving a deep analysis of the differences between these two languages in Spanish.